❌ There are many Fake and scam groups, Official telegram username is @Apple_Unlocks⚡️Contact 2 admins only to be Reseller @AppleUnlocks1 @smcelite

Carrier + SIM-Lock S3 (+ iCloud Status)

Checks the current carrier your device is locked to (Next Tether) and SIM-Lock Status. If your device is SIM Unlocked, then no carrier will be provided. The Find My iPhone status and iCloud status are also included.

Case 1: SIM-Locked
Model: iPhone XS Max 256GB Gold [A1921]
IMEI: ###############
IMEI2: ###############
Serial: ************
Find My iPhone: ON
iCloud Status: Clean
Carrier: US AT&T Activation Policy
SIM-Lock Status: Locked
[There is no iCloud Status if a device is iCloud Unlocked.]

Case 2: SIM-Unlocked
Model: iPhone 8 Plus 64GB Gold [A1897]
IMEI: ###############
Serial: ************
Find My iPhone: ON
iCloud Status: Clean
Carrier: Unlocked
SIM-Lock Status: Unlocked
[There is no iCloud Status if a device is iCloud Unlocked.]

Delivery time: Instant

Bulk orders allowed: Yes

Order type: IMEI/Serial number

Service type: Server

Submit to verify allowed: No

Cancellation allowed: No

Order processing: API